What is Oral Sedation Surgery?
During oral sedation surgery, your dentist uses oral sedatives to help you relax. Oral sedation keeps you awake but completely relaxed.
Oral sedation is available in minimal to moderate doses, depending on the severity of your anxiety. For mild sedation, your dentist gives you a small dose of Halcion® or a similar drug about an hour before treatment. He can provide a larger dose for those with more severe phobias. Some people end up falling asleep in the dentist’s chair after receiving moderate sedatives.
Coupled with local anesthetic, oral sedation makes dental procedures much easier to handle. Since you’re conscious during the treatment, it also relieves the fear of being “put under.”
Who Needs Oral Sedation Surgery?
Some people have a severe phobia of going to the dentist; they’d rather suffer through pain than visiting the dentist. Oral sedation surgery allows patients to receive treatment who would otherwise tend to avoid proper dental care.
The dentists at Sunrise Dental offer oral sedation to anyone with anxiety about undergoing dental surgery or anyone who has:
- Low pain tolerance
- Highly sensitive teeth
- Trouble sitting still
- Extensive dental work scheduled
Is Oral Sedation Surgery Safe?
Like any anesthesia, oral sedatives carry the risk of adverse reaction. However, the practice is safe, especially when a qualified dentist administers it.
People with sleep apnea and obesity may have difficulties with sedation, so it’s important to consult with your doctor before sedation. Your dentist also takes a complete medical history to make sure oral sedation is right for you.
What Treatments is Sedation Surgery Used For?
People with severe dental phobias may need an oral sedative for a simple cleaning. However, dentists use it more commonly for oral surgery. If you have anxiety about dental surgery, talk to your dentist about oral sedation for treatments such as:
- Root canals
- Crown placement
- Tooth extractions
- Dental implants
If you’re terrified to get the dental treatment you need, talk to the dentists at Sunrise Dental about oral sedation surgery. Call or use the online booking option to schedule a consultation.